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PMF Implementation Guidebook

The CAM-I Performance Management Framework
How to evaluate and improve organizational performance

PMF Implementation Guidebook

The PMF Implementation Guidebook, in conjunction with the PMF Application Guide# and PMF Case Study#, is designed to support a PMF implementation in any organization. It provides guidance on completing each of the implementation steps for the entire CAM-I Performance Management Framework.

The Guidebook in PDF Format contains the following sections of Intellectual Property developed by the CAM-I Performance Management Interest Group:

1. Component Details

• Detailed description of elements required for assessment of each implementation step.

2. Catalogue of Recommended Reading

• Multiple suggested readings for the elements associated with each implementation step.

3. Assessment Forms

• Assessment Forms for each implementation step to be completed by team members of an organization conducting a PMF implementation

# These publications, with permission from CAM-I, have been edited and published by CPA Canada as the CAM-I  Performance Management Framework Executive Overview and Case Study.

The Consortium for Advanced Management – International (CAM-I)

(c) 2021 Copyright CAM-I All Rights Reserved

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owners unless they are sponsors of the program that funded the research.

$22.00 each 17 items in stock Add to cart

The Road To Excellence: Becoming A Process-Based Company

The goal of this book is to understand the importance of process management in planning and achieving the objectives of the corporation.

Authors: The CAM-I Process Management Interest Group

Revised and Edited by Dennis Daly and Tom Freeman

The goal of this book is to understand the importance of process management in planning and achieving the objectives of the corporation. The authors are process strategists, implementers and practitioners from various manufacturing and service companies, consulting firms, and universities who wish to share their experiences and insights on the advantages of becoming a process-centered company and on the considerations that should be made in migrating from a functional to a process-focused organization. The book is organized into four sections:

Section 1 - Creates the strategic vision for process management; clarifies the hierarchy and the concept of core process development; provides suggestions for introducing process management within the organization and addresses organizational and behavioral issues; and defines the roles and responsibilities of process owners, controllers and performers.

Section 2 - Provides guidance on migrating from a functionally-focused to a process-focused organization using a 4-step program to assess, develop, implement and embed process management within an organization.

Section 3- Introduces the concepts of sustaining process management through analyzing current and future-state processes in relationship to customers and markets; develops activity and process metrics relating value, time, quality, flexibility and functionality to maintain customer focus; and provides guidance for using continuous process improvement in strategic, tactical and operational planning and performance.

Section 4 - Conclusions and summary. The book is intended for business publication readers with emphasis on companies of all sizes that are exploring, planning and implementing process management in their organizations. The Road To Excellence applies both to service and manufacturing firms and target readers should be CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Support Function Leaders, General Managers and Managers throughout a firm.

$20.00 each 21 items in stock Add to cart

The Closed Loop

Implementing CAM-I’s Closed Loop Planning and Budgeting Methodology

Effective Planning and Budgeting continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing today’s organizations. The Consortium for Advanced Management-International (CAM-I) tackled this issue and developed and published the Closed Loop Methodology as a powerful approach to improving the operational planning and budgeting processes in most organizations.

  • Who is the book for?
    • All strategic, operational, and financial managers responsible for planning and budgeting
  • What is the value to your organization of reading this book?
    • Obtain a clear appreciation of the Closed Loop for effective planning & budgeting in today’s business
    • Understand how balancing resource capacity is used as an integral component in the models developed using this approach
    • Recognize how operational efficiency information can impact costs/profitability and budgets
    • Appreciate the benefits of “scenario playing” for improving business operations, reducing costs, and developing more realistic budgets
    • Learn how the methodology integrates with the organization’s performance management system.
    • Discover how to make planning and budgeting critical value-added processes in your organization

Since the initial publication of the book, many organizations have implemented the Closed Loop Methodology. The main benefits that have been obtained are the development of models providing more relevant resource planning and costing/profitability information to support process improvement and strategic decision making. The primary value achieved is that more effort can be focused on the resource planning process so that cost drivers can be better understood, and budgets can be developed on a more automated and less time-consuming basis.

$20.00 each 24 items in stock Add to cart

Target Costing: The Next Frontier in Strategic Cost Management

This book provides practical insights on how to use target costing for profit planning and cost management.

Authors: The CAM-I Target Cost Core Group & Profs Shahid Ansari & Jan Bell  

This book provides practical insights on how to use target costing for profit planning and cost management. The purpose is to show that target costing is a management method that allows firms to provide customers with products that they want, when they want them, at a price they can afford, and still earn adequate financial returns.

The book extends the existing knowledge base by focusing on the details of how target costing works in practice. The authors relied on state-of-the-art practices drawn from translations of papers available only in the Japanese language and the collective experience of several world class companies: Arthur Andersen LLP, The Boeing Company, Chrysler Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company and Texas Instruments.

Materials in this book are not currently available in the English language business literature. Practicing managers will find that this document contains a balance between general concepts and technical information required for their application. Examples from industry are used to illustrate important issues and current practice.

Key topics in the book include:

1. How target costing relates to business strategy and profit planning
2. A process model that links target costing with the product development cycle
3. The linkages between customer requirements and costing
4. Tools, information and measurement systems required to support target costing

$18.00 each 38 items in stock Add to cart

Capacity Measurement and Improvement

In a competitive economy, the effective use of capacity is critical. Unfortunately, there has been no universal approach to measuring the effectiveness of capacity use.

Authors: CAM-I Capacity Model Interest Group  

In a competitive economy, the effective use of capacity is critical. Unfortunately, there has been no universal approach to measuring the effectiveness of capacity use. The model explained in this book provides this missing tool. The model helps evaluate and change how companies use and plan capacity.

Capacity Measurement & Improvement shows how capacity measurement can be used to provide strategic information that can help managers improve the productivity of existing capacity and facilitate intelligent capital investment decisions.

The concepts of the capacity model came from work by H. L. Gantt, published in 1916, where he focused on identifying causes of variability and waste along with organizational responsibilities for capacity. This book puts these ideas into the current organizational environment.

"Capacity Measurement & Improvement" presents;

  1. A unique capacity model, researched and developed by CAM-I;
  2. Templates for application and implementation procedures;
  3. Straightforward definitions;
  4. Key point summaries and illustrations to facilitate reader understanding.
$25.00 each 37 items in stock Add to cart

Hitting the Target: The CAM-I Target Costing Implementation Guid

In an increasingly competitive world, companies are realizing that managing costs after products are in production is too late.

In an increasingly competitive world, companies are realizing that managing costs after products are in production is too late. They understand that cost management must begin before products ever reach the production stage. This is why CAM-I’s book Target Costing: The Next Frontier in Strategic Cost Management, with its message of designing costs out of products and processes, was so well received by the corporate world. Most companies understood and accepted the message; many, however, had difficulty implementing the process.

is a companion to CAM-I’s Target Costing published in 1997. It focuses on implementation issues and is meant for readers who are familiar with target costing and want to take it to the next level. Introducing the target costing techniquerequires more than getting the technical aspects right.  This book addresses often overlooked tasks such as handling, managing, and leading organizational change.  Change management and people issues are at the forefront of this book. This guide uses a simple three stage framework to depict implementation as a movement from knowing about a new technique, to doing it in practice, and then being or institutionalizing the practice so it becomes a part of the organizational fabric.

The change management backdrop does not blur the book’s focus on technical issues in implementing target costing. There is a detailed discussion of team formation, team building, team charters, training, curricula, tools, supplier involvement, and other pertinent topics. The book allows readers to immerse themselves in detailed implementation planning without forgetting that target costing is scalable to smaller organizations. Not every company needs a cast of thousands to implement target costing, nor do they need to acquire all the tools and training that larger companies may need. Another key message of this book is that full implementation of target costing takes time. Large companies may need the sophisticated tools and training but not on the first day, month or even year. Maturity in target costing is a long term path, and a company can move toward world class status slowly and still reap major benefits on route to their destination.

Target costing has been a successful strategic weapon for many US, Japanese, and European companies.  We hope that the readers of this book will reap some of the same benefits as their peers.

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June 2 - 3 2025, Virtual
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The Road To Excellence: Becoming A Process-Based Company

The goal of this book is to understand the importance of process management in planning and achieving the objectives of the corporation.

Authors: The CAM-I Process Management Interest Group

Revised and Edited by Dennis Daly and Tom Freeman

The goal of this book is to understand the importance of process management in planning and achieving the objectives of the corporation. The authors are process strategists, implementers and practitioners from various manufacturing and service companies, consulting firms, and universities who wish to share their experiences and insights on the advantages of becoming a process-centered company and on the considerations that should be made in migrating from a functional to a process-focused organization. The book is organized into four sections:

Section 1 - Creates the strategic vision for process management; clarifies the hierarchy and the concept of core process development; provides suggestions for introducing process management within the organization and addresses organizational and behavioral issues; and defines the roles and responsibilities of process owners, controllers and performers.

Section 2 - Provides guidance on migrating from a functionally-focused to a process-focused organization using a 4-step program to assess, develop, implement and embed process management within an organization.

Section 3- Introduces the concepts of sustaining process management through analyzing current and future-state processes in relationship to customers and markets; develops activity and process metrics relating value, time, quality, flexibility and functionality to maintain customer focus; and provides guidance for using continuous process improvement in strategic, tactical and operational planning and performance.

Section 4 - Conclusions and summary. The book is intended for business publication readers with emphasis on companies of all sizes that are exploring, planning and implementing process management in their organizations. The Road To Excellence applies both to service and manufacturing firms and target readers should be CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Support Function Leaders, General Managers and Managers throughout a firm.

$20.00 each 21 items in stock
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The Closed Loop

Implementing CAM-I’s Closed Loop Planning and Budgeting Methodology

Effective Planning and Budgeting continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing today’s organizations. The Consortium for Advanced Management-International (CAM-I) tackled this issue and developed and published the Closed Loop Methodology as a powerful approach to improving the operational planning and budgeting processes in most organizations.

  • Who is the book for?
    • All strategic, operational, and financial managers responsible for planning and budgeting
  • What is the value to your organization of reading this book?
    • Obtain a clear appreciation of the Closed Loop for effective planning & budgeting in today’s business
    • Understand how balancing resource capacity is used as an integral component in the models developed using this approach
    • Recognize how operational efficiency information can impact costs/profitability and budgets
    • Appreciate the benefits of “scenario playing” for improving business operations, reducing costs, and developing more realistic budgets
    • Learn how the methodology integrates with the organization’s performance management system.
    • Discover how to make planning and budgeting critical value-added processes in your organization

Since the initial publication of the book, many organizations have implemented the Closed Loop Methodology. The main benefits that have been obtained are the development of models providing more relevant resource planning and costing/profitability information to support process improvement and strategic decision making. The primary value achieved is that more effort can be focused on the resource planning process so that cost drivers can be better understood, and budgets can be developed on a more automated and less time-consuming basis.